- I will understand and employ the rules of the Right of Way
- I will not disturb wildlife and will give animals adequate time and space to adjust
- I will practice 10 seconds of kindness.
slow down • smile • safety first - I will coexist – I will be respectful and understanding of different trail users and their needs.
- I will avoid muddy conditions and be sensitive to the dirt beneath my heels or wheels #RutsSUCK
- I will be aware of my speed and line of sight and will make my presence know (bike bell, verbal)
- I will LEAVE NO TRACE on the environment (pack out trash and dog waste)
- I will adhere to all trail closures for my safety and sustainability of the trails
- I will be a responsible dog owner by keeping my dog under control at all times and picking up after it.
- I will be a positive voice for the trails.
Who has the right of way on the trails?
Bikes should ALWAYS yield to hikers.. even if traveling uphill.
Uphill bikes have the right of way over downhill bikes.
Where can I ride my eBike?
Park City Municipal Code prohibits e-bikes on singletrack trails. HOWEVER, there are exceptions – and all riders should know! E-MTB riders 65 years and older, and those with a mobility disability are legally allowed on singletrack. For those who qualify, the City now offers a courtesy tag to help identify qualified e-bike riders.
Visit our interactive map, tick the “eBike allowed” option for the latest info! Keep your eyes peeled on the trails for QR codes directing e-MTB riders to e-bike friendly trails in the area.
Where can my dog go?
Park City is a very dog-friendly community, but there are enforceable leash laws in Summit County. Watershed areas do not allow dogs, some trails are off-leash and some require leashes. We also have a number of off-leash dog parks. It’s important that you clean up after your dog as well as follow the laws & signs. You know your pup best, so be sure to use a trail that sports the rules that are in you and your pup’s best interest.
Visit our dogs page for all the info.