- I will understand and employ the rules of the Right of Way
- I will not disturb wildlife and will give animals adequate time and space to adjust
- I will practice 10 seconds of kindness.
slow down • smile • safety first - I will coexist – I will be respectful and understanding of different trail users and their needs.
- I will avoid muddy conditions and be sensitive to the dirt beneath my heels or wheels #RutsSUCK
- I will be aware of my speed and line of sight and will make my presence know (bike bell, verbal)
- I will LEAVE NO TRACE on the environment (pack out trash and dog waste)
- I will adhere to all trail closures for my safety and sustainability of the trails
- I will be a responsible dog owner by keeping my dog under control at all times and picking up after it.
- I will be a positive voice for the trails.