Most of the trailheads have some parking, but it is limited. Luckily, we have free transportation in Park City, and we recommend that you utilize a Park n’ Ride lot to help reduce traffic and parking issues at the trails. If you plan to drive and park, check out our live parking cams before you choose your trail area.
Be Kind
What is the “trail user pledge”?
- I will understand and employ the rules of the Right of Way
- I will not disturb wildlife and will give animals adequate time and space to adjust
- I will practice 10 seconds of kindness.
slow down • smile • safety first - I will coexist – I will be respectful and understanding of different trail users and their needs.
- I will avoid muddy conditions and be sensitive to the dirt beneath my heels or wheels #RutsSUCK
- I will be aware of my speed and line of sight and will make my presence know (bike bell, verbal)
- I will LEAVE NO TRACE on the environment (pack out trash and dog waste)
- I will adhere to all trail closures for my safety and sustainability of the trails
- I will be a responsible dog owner by keeping my dog under control at all times and picking up after it.
- I will be a positive voice for the trails.
What does it mean to “leave no trace”?
Please clean up after yourself and your pets. Travel on marked trails durable surfaces. Dispose of waste properly.
How can I be cautious?
Speed is the biggest factor in trail incidents. Slow down, smile and give space to other users.
Skidding corners permanently damages trails. Instead, slow down earlier and coast through the turn.
Should I have a bell?
Bells on trails keep everyone safe. Use and listen for them while you are on the trails. Pick up a freebie at a local shop or pick up a membership gift from Mountain Trails.
Singletrack courtesy
Consider using the marked winter singletrack when biking, snowshoeing or hiking. Winter singletrack is a lot more fun and using it will help preserve the groomed trails for other users.