UOP and Basin 5K
The Basin Recreation 5K cross-country trail offers an excellent, Nordic-only experience. The 5K trail is directional and switches daily. The lower loop in the meadow is open and gentle, while the upper portion of the loop is winding, technical, and challenging. Although the 5K trail is not open to dogs or snowshoeing, it is adjacent to Run-A-Muck, Park City’s premier off-leash dog park. For hikers and snowshoes, the NMA trail provides a great option from the Overland Trailhead.
You’ll find the amazing Run-a-muk fenced-in trail system in the UOP area. Watch for signs when not in the specific off-leash areas.
& Parking
The 5k and Run A Muck trailheads are off the Olympic Parkway, and the Overland trailhead is on Tech Center Dr. All options are approximately .5 miles from the Kimball Junction transit center. Bathrooms (pit toilets) are available at the 5K trailhead