All About eBikes
Know before you go!
Park City Municipal Code prohibits e-bikes on most singletrack trails. HOWEVER, there are exceptions – and all riders should know! E-MTB riders 65 years and older, and those with a mobility disability are legally allowed on singletrack. For those who qualify, the City now offers a courtesy tag to help identify qualified e-bike riders.
Visit our interactive map, tick the “eBike allowed” option for the latest info! Keep your eyes peeled on the trails for QR codes directing e-MTB riders to e-bike friendly trails in the area.
Things to know before you go
Bells on trails keep everyone safe. Use and listen for them while you are on the trails. Pick up a freebie at a local shop or pick up a membership gift from Mountain Trails.
Park City Municipal Code prohibits e-bikes on singletrack trails. HOWEVER, there are exceptions – and all riders should know! E-MTB riders 65 years and older, and those with a mobility disability are legally allowed on singletrack. For those who qualify, the City now offers a courtesy tag to help identify qualified e-bike riders.
Visit our interactive map, tick the “eBike allowed” option for the latest info! Keep your eyes peeled on the trails for QR codes directing e-MTB riders to e-bike friendly trails in the area.