Winter Trails Overview
While Park City has long been known as an alpine skiing destination, Summit County’s Nordic Trail System has blossomed to nearly 80 kilometers of superbly groomed trail. As fat-tire bikes, snowshoeing and winter trail running grow in popularity, the winter single-track trails are expanding likewise.
It's Friday once again, Park City! Here's the latest on your mountain trails for this fall-feeling September 13th...
We may still see a little patchy smoke today but Sat/Sun look stellar with cool morning temps and highs in the mid-70's.
A few trail impacts for the weekend...
Ski Team/Red Bull will be closed Saturday from 9am-1pm while our team works with Serve Park City on a dig day.
Hike for Hunger also takes place Saturday at the Canyon's Village from 2-6pm so expect impacts to the trails in the Mid Mtn zone.
Our team had a short week after another killer Tour des Suds on Sunday, but they still knocked out some solid work. We made some great progress on the Bonanza to Wow (Wowza) connection, gave Ontario Ridge a much-needed haircut, cleaned up more on-mtn signage and prepped Red Bull for a minor reroute at a dangerous intersection with lower Jenni's.
The leaves are a turn'n... Enjoy these cooler temps and have a great one out there! #trailreport
Rick & Team MTF
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Awesome. What a great place. I loved hicking in those beautiful Mountains.
Wowza! I like it!
Park city is a joke compared to what it use to be wish all you out of state people would go back where you cane from
Happy Friday PC! Your trail update for the kickoff to this Sudsapalooza birthday weekend, Friday, September 6th...
First off, we're super stoked to celebrate the 40th birthday of the world's greatest costume party on bikes, the Tour Des Suds, this Sunday, from 10am to 2pm The race has sold out! Tour de Suds Route:
We'd suggest taking Charlie's 9K, Cyn City, Mid Mtn to Jenni's for your return route from the pass to City Park.
*Trail/Parking Impacts*
PC High has an XC meet out of Quinn's today, (Fri), from 6:30am-7pm. Most of the parking lots will be tied up with this event, so plan accordingly.
There will be a minor reroute out of the First Time Lot at Park City Mtn due to construction. Also note that Crescent bike-haul hours are now Thurs-Sun, 11am-6pm, until October 6th.
Lastly, Park City Mtn reports that there is an open trench 10 feet from Dawn's Trail but it won't impact hikers using the trail.
Besides prepping for the TDS, our team spent the week working on the Bonanza to Wow connection, Round Valley signage and cleaning up more blowdowns.
We'll see y'all at the Suds! #trailreport
Rick & your Suds buds
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Before Mt. Bikers wore Helmets ⛑️
There are several winter trail venues, each offering different qualities and recreational opportunities. This section is under construction. Keep coming back for more information.
Web Cams
Our webcams are a great resource to view trailheads and parking availability for Bloods Lake, Mid Mountain and Bonanza Flat. Hover over the image below to change locations.